Thursday Mornings: With Love from the Upper Room | Starting January 18th
In the hours before His arrest and crucifixion, Jesus spent time alone with His disciples.
Gathered in an upper room somewhere in Jerusalem, He prepared them for the
heartache, confusion, and turmoil of what they were about to face. How Christ loved His
own in the upper room that night is recorded for us in the gospel of John. Given the
troubled and turbulent times in which we live today, that same love of Christ is as
important for us now as it was for the disciples so long ago! Please join us as we complete
an inductive study of John Chapters 13-17. Lee Manguno will be facilitating the weekly discussions. Please join other Trinity women in this rich study of God’s Word and invite a friend to join you!! We will meet on Thursdays from 9:30-11AM beginning Thursday, January 18th.
CLICK HERE to sign up or use the sign-up sheet at church.