Trinity Missions Garage Sale  


Drop Off Days (drop off in the FDC building): Wednesday, 9/4 and Thursday, 9/5 from 9am-1pm 


Garage Sale Days (in FDC building): Friday, 9/6 and Saturday, 9/7 from 8am-1pm


We will be hosting a fundraiser Garage Sale for our Trinity Mission Trip to the Good Shepherd Children’s Home in Honduras. Money raised will go towards supplies for our VBS with the kids and towards transportation expenses for our team. We need your donations of household items, housewares, furniture, children’s toys and books, children’s clothing, tools, sporting goods, and play equipment.


We will NOT be accepting mattresses, adult clothing, books or CDs.


We also need Trinity volunteers who can help us receive goods and run the sale. If you’d like to volunteer to help during the drop off days or the garage sale, click here to sign up!


Any questions about helping or donations can be sent to: