Women’s Ministry

Trinity Women’s Ministry

And let us consider how we may spur one another on
toward love and good deeds.
Hebrews 10:24

Our women’s ministry at Trinity Church is passionate about the core values of our church: worship, discipleship, community, and mission. Our focus is centered around relationships and connections: with God and with one another.

Trinity Women’s Mingle & Jingle  |  December 12th
Tis’ the season to Jingle and Mingle!!! Join us December 12th at 6:30pm in the FDC. Ladies, not only will we be jingling and mingling but get those mixing bowls ready because we are having our first ever Jingle & Mingle Christmas Dessert Battle! Also, as a special Christmas Mission Project we will be collecting a love offering for the women of Lynhaven Retreat. Click here to sign up!


Trinity Church is excited to be joining No Heart Left Behind for their special Christmas adopt a family program. Once again this year NHLB is partnering with Northshore Enduring Hope and reaching out to foster kids in our community. What a great way to support foster families and some of our most vulnerable children. Please go to noheartleftbehind.com and click on the events tab for more information! Contact Lee Manguno (985) 630–8497 with any questions. Click here for more information!


See the upcoming events below to keep up with all that is happening around Trinity! Jump in! Let’s grow and serve together!

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Upcoming Women’s Events